The Old Days

Created by Anthony 6 years ago

I first met Janet at Brambles Holiday Camp I.O.W. about 1955, when she first met Bill.

We were four lads from Acton Tech. College - Bill, Bob, Mitch and yours truly.

An amusing episode occurred when I invited guests to my 21 st. birthday party.

I had just met a Norwegian girl Inger (who I married later) and invited her to the do.

She worked at Stanmore Nursery next door to where Janet lived, so I picked up Janet first and we went to pick up Inger.

When we arrived at the nursery the other girls at the nursery said to Inger "Look he's already got a girfriend ".

I then had some explaining to do.

We've all kept in touch since then - for about sixty years.


We miss you Janet

Tony & Inger from Norway